TTC/Cibolo Parkway Open Records Requests Update
Per the Development Agreement, Section 4.2(a), TTC must follow the Texas Local Gov. Code Chapter 212 Subchapter C. Section 212.074 of...

Ordinance 1203 - Did the city know about the "untruths"?
So, what happens when the wording of an Ordinance is misleading, or contains information that isn’t true? In May 2017 Cibolo City Council...

TXDOT proposes additional NON-tolled lanes to IH35
It seems Cibolo Turnpike/Texas Turnpike and the City of Cibolo are stuck in denial. Perhaps they are moving through the stages of grief,...

You can't make 2 lanes work.
There was a video of a two-laned toll road in Texas that was posted today on Facebook (video below), to “educate” people on what the...
Cibolo Parkway vs. TXDOT's FM 1103 Expansion
The Texas Department of Transportation is proposing improvements to FM 1103 from I-35 to Rodeo Way in Comal and Guadalupe counties,...
FM1518 Expansion Approved by TXDOT
One question that comes up a lot is "Why would anyone pay to go from 78 to 10 when there are other roads already there?" FM 1518, which...

TTC Presents "Feasibility Study" to City Council
On January 9, 2018 TTC presented what they called a "feasibility study" to City Council. Unfortunately, TTC didn't have any actual data...

BRC Recommendation - Does Anyone Know What It Actually Is?
Here some information from a citizen who wishes to remain anonymous (I don't even know who it is - came from "Cibolo No Name" email...

Take Action! Kuempel wants YOUR input!
Did you get one of these in the mail? If you live in Cibolo you did! Make sure to fill it out and mail it in! What an easy way to let one...

Texas Turnpike, Public Werks, Cibolo Turnpike - WHO ARE YOU?!?
Public Werks/Texas Turnpike seems to have an identity crisis. Try to Google search them or look them up on official State of Texas sites,...