Public-Private Partnerships and Toll Roads: Good or Bad for Communities?
Remember: Public-Private Partnerships Aren’t Free | March 22, 2017 | CityLab
Overpriced and Underwritten: The Hidden Costs of Public-Private Partnerships | Bankwatch
The Unaccounted Risks of Public Private Partnerships | February 2, 2016 | Virginia Tech School of Public and International Affairs
Public-Private Partnerships: A Reality Check | May 26, 2015 | Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Why Public-Private Partnerships Don’t Work | January 2014 | Public Services International (PSI)
Public-Private Partnerships Are Popular, But Are They Practical? | November 2013 | Governing the States and Localities
PPPs: The Passage of Time Permits a Sober Reflection | 2009 | Institute of Economic Affairs
The Problem with Public-Private Partnerships: Economic Crisis Exposes the High Costs and Risks of P3s | April 1, 2009 | Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Public-Private Partnerships are no silver bullet: An expanded governance model for Critical Infrastructure Protection | March 13, 2009 | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection
The End of the Road | September 16, 2016 | San Antonio Express News
End of the Road for Toll Roads in Texas? | March 30, 2016 | WFAA
In Texas, Toll Roads Proliferate – and a Backlash Builds | October 20, 2014 | The Wall Street Journal
Toll Roads Are Paved With Bad Intentions | January 28, 2009 | The Wall Street Journal/Huffington Post

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